A Blog for All Seasons

Posted on December 13, 2024

It is that time of the year when we get ready to celebrate with friends and family as well as to reflect on the past year and the coming year. It is the end of one cycle as we prepare to start another. This time of reflection has been overrun by the events in Middle East; after a year of the most tumultuous events and unreal behaviours, nothing comes close to the surprise and speed of the collapse of a half century old dictatorship in Syria.

As in all such events there are profound lessons for us all. From my perception the greatest lesson was about the importance about pursuing peace at every opportunity especially after a period of conflict. In the case of Syria, Assad had basically won the war 4 years ago. If not exactly victorious he certainly had the upper hand and was dominant. However he allowed a long period of basically sitting on the status quo with few or no fresh initiatives. Meanwhile the world moved on and the energy did not rest. With this shift in forces a perfect storm of discontent, outrage and grievance spurred an incisive and highly effective military action which within days toppled a well-established power structure that had ruled for decades.

There have been a number of events similar to this over the last few decades where military actions have resulted in lasting chaos and fracturing with all the inherent suffering that results from endless struggle and conflict. The attitude that winning a war or a fight or even an argument is the complete achievement has resulted in a belief, publicly stated in the last few days, that might and domination can be a successful doctrine. Yet no matter how many times it fails, and fails spectacularly as in Syria, we cling to its viability at all levels of human experience.

We believe that that is only half the journey, for to enjoy success we must also enjoy peace. They go together, brother and sister, and so the pursuing of peace and a peaceful outcome to any conflict is essential. In the 4 years of successful domination of the Syrian people never once was there a movement towards a peaceful settlement, or the start of a dialogue that would build the bridges, creating an inclusion that would result in a peaceful, tolerant and successful outcome.

Unfortunately, in order to feel justified in our actions we demonise our apparent enemies then we find it difficult to start the communications. But in truth we are only believing our own propaganda and have created our own shadow figures. The true nature of this world and human consciousness is inclusiveness; to try and build anything that is not based on this reality will not last long whether it is a political, a business or a personal situation and true success will remain beyond our grasp. It is OK to celebrate our victories but it is also important to recognise it is only half way to a fruitful conclusion and the peace often takes far greater courage. If we hold in our minds that we all come from a “source” and at some point will return to that source, no matter what our belief system, then building those bridges and winning back our tolerance for another but mostly for ourselves becomes easier.

We could all start today and set it as a focus for this Christmas. Can we review our past situations and recognise that where there is not peace then, if we desire success, there is more to do? We might feel consciously that those past unresolved conflicts have no or little effect on us but at a deeper level they are holding us back from peace and joy.

Syria is a start lesson for us all and shows us the price for not pursuing peace – we might land up as a guest of President Putin which is a place that certainly has no feelings of peace or success and can only be tolerated as long as the denial lasts.

We wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

With love,
Jeff and Sue xx

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