Sue and Jeff

Sue and Jeff are dedicated to helping others find a better way to live, by breaking with destructive patterns and learning to exist in partnership and peace with themselves and others. VisionWorks is based on the Psychology of Vision model; a path of the heart that has helped tens of thousands of people.

Sue and Jeff were married in a registry office in Oxford in 1979. Sue was 6 months pregnant. A long on and off courtship stored up many unresolved issues but they were confident they had what it took. They moved to a small village in Wiltshire, started a family.

Jeff spent a lot of time away and did all the things a sailor does. They had no idea about the dynamics of relationships, so started to grow apart, with deadness, affairs, fights and loads and loads of blame. Eventually after reaching the ‘no-speaking stage’, they separated.

Finally, after years apart, they found the courage to start working on the relationship. As the fighting stopped and both of them started to understand what drove their behaviour they began building bridges back towards each other. They now use their past experiences to help others on their path to happiness, offering relationship counselling in Wiltshire, or online.

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Book a private counseling session with Sue or Jeff as an individual or as a couple. Not sure? You can book a free 20 minute taster session here.


Sue is an acclaimed trainer who teaches worldwide. Her quest for knowledge has been a guiding principle in her life, inspiring a lifelong involvement in education, first as a student and later as a radio journalist, audio/visual publisher, administrator of the nursery school she set up from home, and qualified secondary teacher.

Her early childhood was spent in London in between her Dad’s postings to Sri Lanka and the USA. When they moved to Washington DC more permanently she spent her teenage years in an exciting time politically – Kennedy, Vietnam, Watergate, and Civil Rights were the background to learning about cheerleading and curling her hair.

Back to the UK and at the University of Sussex the scene was set for her first heartbreaking relationship; a first marriage with a co-student lasted 5 years. They didn’t have any children, but the business in educational publishing they had built together ensured the break-up was messy and prolonged. Towards the end of this process Sue met Jeff and they sailed the seas mostly together for about 5 years before they married, settled in Wiltshire and brought up their two children.

Over the past 10 years, Sue has developed VisionWorks for Schools. Sue is a grounded and loving presence with an abiding passion for people and their potential. It is her heart’s desire to encourage environments that enable others to thrive. Whether it’s her children, family and clients, the plants in her garden, or her own well-being in her yoga practice, Sue empowers people to be the best they can be.


Jeff is an inspired coach. Born on a farm in northwestern Kenya, he formed an early and powerful connection to the land, the wildlife, and the tribal and shamanic practices of Africa.

At 15, he moved to Australia, first to a farming community, and later to Sydney where his lifelong love affair with the sea began. Jeff left Australia in 1971 and sailed the world in all kinds of vessels finally settling in England in 1979, the year he married Sue. He continued to work on ships and sail the oceans, something that was not very compatible with married life.

In 1990, separated from his family and in the Persian Gulf, he realised he was facing a crucial moment in his life – remain independent and ‘at large’ or have the courage to go back and do what it takes to rebuild his family? He made the right choice and gave up his job and went home.

Soon after he attended a Psychology of Vision workshop and within a year started his journey to become a trainer and facilitator in his own right. Jeff’s unique blend of outward adventure, coupled with over 20 years experience of inward adventure, makes him the perfect healing guide.

Jeff inspires people to build bridges between themselves and others, between couples and families, and the greatest bridge: between the divine and earth. He facilitates seminars around the globe, often with Sue, and when not on the road lives in Wiltshire, England with his family.

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