
Is it time to experience real change that’s practical, powerful and permanent? If you are struggling with a chronic issue, if you’ve experienced a past trauma that is holding you back or if you suffer from depression or anxiety, then we can help.

Join us at an event, or book a coaching session in Wiltshire and take the first step on an inner journey.

Book A Session

Book a private counseling session with Sue or Jeff as an individual or as a couple. Not sure? You can book a free 20 minute taster session here.

Jeff and Sue’s Approach

Whatever crisis brought you here, learning a few principles about relationships will help. If you are willing, it is possible to shift just about anything, including the ingrained patterns in your relationship that are not working for you. And it doesn’t have to be hard work.

Jeff and Sue have lived through separation and divorce and are now in a happy relationship; with each other. They found a better way to resolve their issues. And for the last 25 years, they have been teaching others how to do the same. 

The purpose of life and the purpose of relationships is to find and develop your experience of happiness: a successful career, good health and a loving and caring family. It starts in your significant relationships, your training ground, when you get them right everything else falls into place. But when there are problems they will keep recurring until you change. 

With willingness anything can change. We can provide guidance, but YOU will make it happen. Are you ready? 

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