Mothering Sunday

Today we appreciate the essential role of all mothers and the miracle they perform. We all have one! So this day we remember and appreciate our own mother too.
Our first relationship was with our mother, and our willingness to make it a good one will help us with all our relationships during our lives. Over 30 years of teaching we have learned that of all the relationships we need to heal the one with our mother is the most essential. Our ability to build a loving caring relationship with our mother opens us to love and to be loved: that ability to give love and receive love lies at the foundation of our lives from which all good things evolve.
Our relationship with our mother is also the foundation of our relationship to the feminine. Whether you are a man or a woman, the feminine energy is an important part of life on this planet. It awakens our ability to nurture the earth, as it nurtures us.
The feminine energy is not a gender; it is a dimension. Without it we live in a world that lacks beauty, tenderness and mercy. All these uplift us, reminding us of a higher order of reality that is in our grasp.
If we revere our mother and therefore the feminine we will have joy and happiness. But if we debase or negate her we will suffer, as we obstruct our mind and heart from love.
This most fundamental relationship recognises that the feminine energy is half of us, at least. So this Sunday let‘s push the boat out in our celebration of our mothers and all that they stand for.
With love,
Sue and Jeff