Happy Christmas Everyone

It is that time of the year and while it is a time of many things to many people it is also the last month of the year; and the end of any cycle is a time of celebration, appreciation and gratitude. A time to get together with family and friends and share ourselves, to give of our presence, to share with others the gift and blessing of who we are. Sharing is a major ingredient of love and Christmas is a time to remind and even rekindle our love, for that is the essence of Christ.
Sharing is about giving and receiving, the bedrock of loving relationships. Our giving of our energetic and spiritual presence has often been overtaken by the giving of physical presents, because we are so invested in commercialism. The giving of material presents has become so dominant at this time of year. As a friend of mine once said, what we lack in spirituality we try to make up with commercialism! To us it seems strange that we have lost sense of our value to the extent that we think material presents will truly compensate.
To us one of the important milestones this year was the Climate Change conference in Poland when once again many, many really smart people waved a red flag at our lifestyles and the lack of even a short time frame of sustainability. I think of those mountains of toys and presents that for the most part are one scratch, one broken part, one moment of lost interest away from a landfill site. Some commentators have suggested to give experiences, dinners, outdoor pursuits etc. and while this is a good step we do need to go back to basics and recognise that our very existence is a blessing and more.
Our existence is a sacred gift that we have been given and now is a time to recognise that and share it. On that level each and every one of us is equal and each and every one of us is unique with a backpack of gifts and presence that we have come to share and in doing so build a lasting world for everyone. Each of us has been given the exact presence we need to make ourselves happy and that happiness comes from our sharing, our giving, for it is through giving that we discover who we really are and that is as good a reason for celebration than any other I can think of.
What to give? What you see that is missing! The alternative is to complain and sulk which we so often do while we are sitting on the gift, the giving that would shift the whole situation. However, it does not stop there because as we give then so will others around us then we complete the cycle by letting them in, by receiving their love in its many different forms and in so doing acknowledge the Christ in us and in others. Now that would be a Christmas celebration!
We here at VisionWorks, Microbz, VisionZambia and Vital Health thank and appreciate any and every interaction we have had this year and extend to you our gratitude and appreciation for all we have shared.
Have a Happy Christmas and a fabulous New Year.
With love
Sue and Jeff