Supported by loving hearts and capable hands, this unique 5 day retreat offers you the chance to:
In a peaceful setting you will have the opportunity to focus on the physical, psychological and spiritual elements that are the holistic you.
You’ll be in the company of internationally acclaimed teachers and therapists who want to share their huge wisdom and you will leave with new friends. There will be lots of laughter and fun!
Birgit is a qualified physiotherapist who has studied Ho-He therapy training with Ruth Schwarz and is a certified Matrix-Inform® Coach. The Ho-He treatment combines elements from kinesiology, chiropractic and cranio-sacral methods. The combination of these techniques is ideal to gently release blocks, tension and torsion patterns from the body. This brings the body back to its centre, so that more energy becomes available to us. Old patterns are released to make space for change.
Languages: German and English
Anke is a Psychologist, BSc as well as a Hawaiian Bodyworker (Lomi Lomi).
The goal of her work as a counsellor, seminar facilitator and mentor, is to enable people to be happy through successful communication and emotional freedom.
Anke's work includes the psychology of relationships, understanding our daily challenges and developing the innate wisdom of the body. Hawaiian Bodywork is a two-hour oil massage, in which the masseur uses both hands and the soft parts of the lower arms. The flowing motions recall the waves of the ocean. The massage is relaxing, cleansing and vitalising.
Rebecca combines her love for dance and movement in her work as a dance teacher and physiopedagogue, Spiraldynamik® expert Level Advanced and as a Relationship Coach.
Her talent is to playfully balance the interrelationship between body and mind. Spiraldynamik® offers concrete guidance to develop one’s own movement intelligence. The understanding of evolutionary movement principles in the body enables fundamental changes in a gentle way.
Wary, active movement work, mainly on the floor, offers new, supple movement quality through mobilisation, relaxation, strengthening, centring and is suitable for people of all ages. In addition, Rebecca offers individual Spiraldynamic® - sessions and massages specially for foot issues (hallux-valgus, kink, flat or splay feet).
Languages: German, French and English
Languages: French and English
Olivier is a yoga and Pilates instructor, and nutritionist with over 25 years in the sports and performance industry.
After working as a researcher and PE teacher in overseas French International schools, Olivier developed a mind and body approach.
He supports people to rebalance by using breathing, consciousness and a range of motions to enhance quality either in their lifestyle or training programme. Unhelpful movement patterns are reprogrammed at source to release mechanical stress and relieve body pain. Olivier offers Yoga, Pilates, Consciousness in movement & play.
Sue is an acclaimed trainer who teaches worldwide. Her quest for knowledge has been a guiding principle in her life, inspiring a lifelong involvement in education.
Sue is a grounded and loving presence with an abiding passion for people and their potential. It is her heart’s desire to encourage environments that enable others to thrive, and empower people to be the best they can be.
Jeff is an inspired coach. Born on a farm in north-western Kenya, he formed an early and powerful connection to the land. Jeff’s unique blend of outward adventure, coupled with over 20 years experience of inward adventure, makes him the perfect healing guide.
Jeff inspires people to build bridges between themselves and others, between couples and families, and the greatest bridge: between the divine and earth.
Clive is a shiatsu practitioner with more than thirty years experience, and ten years of teaching experience at the British School of Shiatsu in London.
His gentle, intuitive approach helps clients to reach a deep state of balance, peace and relaxation in which the body’s self-healing capacities can unfold freely.
Shiatsu is practised on a comfortable futon on the floor, and the client remains fully clothed. It is based on similar principles as acupuncture, working with meridian energy lines and pressure points. Shiatsu is not only a deeply relaxing holistic therapy but also particularly beneficial to address neck, shoulder and back pain.
07:00 – 08:00 Yoga
09:30 – 12:30 Morning workshop
12:30 – 16:30 Free time and therapy sessions
16:30 – 19:00 Evening workshop
Please note: there will be no yoga on Day 1. Workshop registration will begin at 8.45 on Day 1. On Day 5 we will finish between 16:00 and 17:00© 2025 Vision Works
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