Sue Allen, with German translation
How much do you trust in anything you cannot see, touch or prove?
Do you believe your success depends on hard work? On luck? On your natural superiority? On your partner?
Do you want to understand the dynamics of problems that block success and happiness?
In this seminar we will explore how love has the power to transform any problem easily, because any problem or block is the result of separation or distance. This separation can take the form of fights, or revenge, of grievances, or competition. It can result in withdrawal and depression, feelings of loneliness and unworthiness, independence and sacrifice. Most of us struggle with a mix of issues that can seem to block our success.
Yet it is the connection between ourselves and others that brings about love and success with ease. And there can be no love without trust, because love is an experience not a form. We cannot buy love or bank it, love is not a job or a commodity we can own.
When you trust, you invest the power of your mind towards something, with an attitude of confidence, power and success. Trust is one of the cornerstones of life, and of successful loving relationships. This seminar offers the opportunity to take another step towards trusting in love, with the support of the group.
General 345€
Bring a friend 295€ (per person)
Student 220€
To find out more and to register please contact Hedlen.
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